

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-02


Croce, Mariano, and Andrea Salvatore. 2017. ‘Normality as Social Semantics. Schmitt, Bourdieu and the Politics of the Normal’. European Journal of Social Theory 20 (2):275–91.


社会学不都是研究“常态”吗?那么,施米特的“例外”思想怎么可能社会学化的理解?但是社会学,不也研究研究 主权、国家、政治、决策吗?






但是意大利学者Mariano Croce却想从social order的角度来切入施米特(Schmitt),重新理解他的理论。




Croce and Salvatore认为施米特经历了从decisionism到institutionalist decisionism的转变,从exceptional thinking到concrete-order thinking的转变。





1. 1920s年的决断论




Sovereign is he who decides on the state of exception


也就说:主权者被认为是具有通过决断来产生foundatonal act,以创造social order。


normality is not conceived as a preexisting state of affairs, a sort of pre-political, neutral condition on which the sovereign can rely when she makes her decision. It is an objective to be achieved. While unearthing the crucial role of normality within the political discourse, Schmitt unveils its nonnatural, artificial character ... a legal order as a series of timely decisions made and implemented by the sovereign. 

确实,社会学地讲,这样很难理解,所以Croce才说,学界会有这样的批评a metaphysical act devoid of any social relevance, an occasional and free-floating intervention that is ultimately unable to grasp social reality and thus to lay the foundations for a stable and enduring form of life. 


This is why in the early 1930s he develops a new jurisprudential approach, consisting of a particular form of legal institutionalism. 


2. 1930s年的“具体秩序”思维(concrete-order thinking

这主要是在On the Three Types of Juristic Thought, Constitutional Theory开始了。

施米特为重新回应决断论,更强调了the political salience of normality也就是说,政治稳定性不再只是依赖敌我划分,而是靠规范生活和政治社群来理解。

Political stability no longer hinges on the polemological nature of a socially rootless friend-enemy contraposition, but is now grounded on an inherent content, a normal situation consisting of a generally uncontested set of behaviours, practices, and forms of interaction that characterize the everyday routine of a political community.

作者称之为“制度主义的决断”Schmitt’s ‘institutionalist decisionism’ (see Croce and Salvatore, 2013: 46–61) 



Accordingly, the ultimate decision is no longer conceived as a remedial intervention linked to the unpredictability of exceptional circumstances, but as a selection process that has to take into account a pre-existing social state of affairs.

2.2 重新诠释“政治”(与“社会”)


This is evidence that at the heart of Schmitt’s institutional theory lies a dialectical relationship between social pluralism and political monism, where social pluralism is a fact while political monism is a construction.

2.3 增加“制度”的分类


Based on this, the integration of society relies on two levels, meta-institutional and intra-institutional.


2.4 “问题系”的转化


Institutions are in some way the intermediate bodies between the political authority and everyday life.

2.5 现实的路径


The set of general clauses (Generalklausen) that ensure the connection between the social and the legal orders. 

A general clause is a term or a concept that is key to the application of a legal rule but remains essentially undetermined, since it refers to standards of judgement that are semantically dependent on contextual conditions (examples are notions such as ‘good faith’, ‘common decency’, or ‘proportionate response’). 

施米特指出,法律规则上说:the ‘good head of family’, the ‘brave soldier’, the ‘duty-conscious bureaucrat’ 这些作为“普遍条款”的内容,既是法律规则的应用,但是也在具体情境下的语义诠释,所以会在日常生活中被重新决定。为此,法律应该选择这些普遍条款的意义,并加以保护。


3. 总结


In our view, this is what Schmitt has in mind when he advances the notion of ‘concrete order’: an integrated web of different institutions that interact with each other and share a common, ultimate aim within the borders of a cohesive ethical substance. Normality and decision complement each other.

3.2 施米特最后的政治社会学图景:可诠释的语义力量—具边界的团体形成

The main virtue of Schmitt’s and Bourdieu’s theories is that they pinpoint the basic connection between such a crucial semantic power and the formation of groups within the social world. 

Schmitt, who was always concerned with the sovereign’s ability to name the enemy and, by doing so, to create the group of friends, progressively realized that the construction of a polemical target as such is not a steady basis for the establishment of a stable community. Political power, in his institutional view, should be concerned with the selection of a limited set of institutions and the preservation of their inner standards and models.



This novel approach to the relationship between legal regulation and social life is announced in the Preface to the new edition (1934) of Political Theology (see Schmitt, 2005: 2–3). On Schmitt’s institutional turn, see Lindahl (2015); Loughlin (2014); and Maus (1998). 


附:Mariano Croce,一位来自意大利的(政治/法)哲学学者,写了专著Self-Sufficiency of Law. A Critical-institutional Theory of Social Order, Dordrecht: Springer, 2012



2015. The habitus and the critique of the present. A Wittgensteinian reading of Bourdieu’s social theory”, Sociological Theory 

2015.“Homonormative Dynamics and the Subversion of Culture”, European Journal of Social Theory




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